Friday, September 15, 2006


This week has been absolutely insane at work. We have SO many projects happening at one time and just not enough time to get them done. Of course, we DO get them done somehow, but we are exhausted and such because of it! OY! Everyone is very punchy today due to the exhaustion so there is lots of laughter. It really is the best medicine.

I'm overjoyed that it's Friday. I'm hoping that I don't have to work at all this weekend. I need a break from this crazy place! Next week is going to be hectic, this weekend is much needed!

Had book club last night. We read Unspeakable by Sandra Brown. It was your run of the mill, quick-read mystery/thriller. I liked it. I will definitely read more books by her. I might even take one to Ireland with me (IRELAND!!! I leave in 2 months and 2 days! I'm a WEE bit excited about it!)

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