Friday, January 05, 2007

The Holidays! Vacation! And Such!

I loved being on vacation! A week away from work to spend time with friends and family! It was wonderful seeing Susan, James, Ian & Cameron. The boys were ALL about Aunt Jen. I love when I walk into the room and they come running up to happy to see me. It just makes me feel like a million bucks! They are a wee bit precious!

Perhaps I will sum up the week with a list of things I did...

(1) Had a blast with the fam. Did you know I adore my nephews?

(2) Saw We Are Marshall with Dad. Great movie.

(3) Played cards with Susie, Cyndi & Grace...just like old times. Grace is all grown up! I'm so proud of her!

(4) Attended a 12-hour scrapbooking crop at Archivers on December 30. The day FLEW by! I got lots done. I'm attending a couple more crops coming up in the next month or so. I'm enjoying working on my Dublin trip. :)

(5) Had sushi on New Year's Eve with Laurie, Ellen, Kristen, Cindy & Eddie. Very fun! Lots of laughs and yummy food. Then we MIGHT have hit Krispy Kreme. hee hee!

(6) I watched LOTS of movies! The Sentinel, Inside Man, Little Miss Sunshine, Talladega Nights, The Last Kiss, DaVinci Code, You, Me & Dupree...and several Lifetime & ABC Family flicks.

(7) Got lots done around the house...going through piles of paper and such.

Overall, it was a great vacation. This week has dragged by at work, but it has been OK. I can't wait to see Susan and the fam again in April. I miss them so much, but as long as I know when I will see them next I'm OK. :)

OH! Ian lost his first tooth. He's adorable. hee hee

I bet I forgot some stuff that I did over vacation. Let me know if I did! :)

1 comment:

Grace said...

It was great seeing you too! You guys need to plan a trip out to LA! I think you would get sucked in real fast, you'll love it!