Monday, December 04, 2006

Ten Things About Me!

Rules: So the point of this game is you post a blog about ten weird habits/random facts about yourself, and then "tag" ten people who then have to post a blog about their ten weird habits/random facts. Laurie tagged me a couple weeks ago...I'm FINALLY doing this!!! :)

(1) I want to be a voice in an animated movie. And I wouldn't mind doing the reading for an audio book. hee hee.

(2) When I was young, I thought I would be a teacher when I grew up. Apparently, I forgot about that when I went to college. Oops.

(3) I LOVE The Muppet Show...still. :)

(4) I skipped kindergarten.

(5) My favorite condiment is barbeque sauce. I would pretty much eat it on anything if it would taste yummy!

(6) I've been cross-stitching since I was very young...5 years old or something like that.

(7) I played the flute from 6th-12th grade, and I was in marching band in high school. My last two years in marching band, I played the Baritone. I hated it!!

(8) I don't like to open packages like Crescent rolls...the 'popping' sound it makes when you press on the package after you've ripped off the label...yeah, that freaks me out...A LOT!!!!!!!!! I have to hold it way out in front of me and push it down with a spoon.

(9) I don't eat syrup on waffles or pancakes. Just butter. YUM!!!

(10) Some of my guilty pleasure bands/singers: Boston, Neil Diamond & Barry Manilow. I love these people!!!

I tag Ellen, Kellybug & Charlotte to do this next!!

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