Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Things I'm A Sucker For...

Laurie blogged about this topic, so I thought I would do the same! Fun!!

*hearing Ian & Cameron say 'hi aunt jen' with such joy in their voices!!
*cheez doodles
*john cusack
*hallmark commercials
*kraft sprials mac & cheese with hot dogs cut up in it (well, ANY mac & cheese)
*a baby sleeping on my chest
*baby animals
*ireland. all of it.
*little kids with glasses
*a love song duet
*a smile from a stranger
*an elderly couple holding hands
*praise & worship music at church
*flannel sheets
*marshmallow peeps
*marshmallow fluff
*my dad's jokes
*The Sound Of Music
*BIG hoop earrings
*flannel pj pants
*God's little 'opportunities' that are shown to me every day
*the muppet show
*my poppy's singing voice (i can still hear it in my head)
*a hug
*flume rides
*bisquick pancakes
*lists of books
*NC State 1983 Basketball Team
*Friends (my all time favorite tv show)
*movie marathons
*floral scented candles
*fuzzy socks

This list could go on and on...I suppose this is a glimpse into lots of things that make me smile...

1 comment:

Grace said...

oh, i saw "friends", and for a second there i was like, awwwww, but then i realized you were talking about the tv show!!!! :)