Sunday, October 01, 2006

My weekend

This has been a great weekend! Friday night, Laurie, Ellen & I went to a reading at a bookstore in Durham. Julie Powell read from her memoir Julie & Julia and did a Q&A session. Her book started out as a blog about her cmmitment to prepare all 524 recipes in Julia Child's "Mastering the Art Of French Cooking" one year's time! It was my first reading and I really had a lot of fun. Then we went to dinner at George's Garage across the street on Ninth Street. I had salmon cooked with dill and some saffron white wine something something sauce. REALLY tasty!

Saturday Ellen & I went to the gym and had a great workout. Charlotte and I watched
The Lake House in the afternoon and organized my scrapbook stuff. Then the best part of the day...Scrap Mania at Archiver's! Six hours of cropping with Charlotte, Content, Ellen, Micki & Elaine. SOOO fun! We got a little goodie bag and there were snacks and a catered dinner and door prizes (one of which I won). It was great being able to head out to the store for anything I needed for the scrapbooking endeavor!!

Headed to the gym again today after church...the pool with Laurie. A more relaxing workout. It was fun to just hang out and chat while swimming around. Then I hit Kroger to begin the restock for next month's Bumper Crop. Now I'm watching DVR stuff. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is really good...

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