Thursday, September 28, 2006

Grey's! What a GREAT show!!

**spoilers ahead** I'm typing this as I watch the show. :)

Bailey. LOL. Everything she says cracks me up. Christina is hysterical. Of all times for her to take off her clothes. Uh oh...Burke's mommy is not very nice.

I love George and Callie. I love how much she loves him. Adorable! I love that he's jealous about the panties. He needs to hurry up and tell her he loves her! Boys. Dumb.

OK. I almost just puked. There's a guy with a TREE BRANCH in his body! A LARGE BRANCH! That is simply disgusting.

(As an aside, Alex is kinda hot)

Dirty Stripper Christina. Philandering Whore Meredith. LOL.

Oh Finn!! You go boy! He just kissed Meredith up against the door frame...and then walked away. I really think I want her to pick him.

Poor Addison. I feel horrible for her. Derek is a jerk (hot with great hair, but a jerk nonetheless).

LOL!!!! Richard just caught Callie dancing in her underwear. LOL! Can I just say...I love that Callie is NOT a small girl and they just showed her dancing in little boy shorts underwear. She is George's 'dirty, hot' girlfriend and she's not Barbie. Awesome. :) :) :)

Meredith just chose both McDreamy and Finn. She is one lucky, lucky girlie (a pain in the butt who I really can't stand...but still). Lucky. McDreamy AND Finn. Oy.

The music on this show is fantastic, btw.

HOLY SHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello, McSteamy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone recorded Six Degrees after Grey's...b/c Grey's cut off early on my DVR. I'll tell you what happened if you missed the VERY end!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sushi Rolls

I went to Sushi Thai last night with Michelle and had a yummy, yummy dinner. I had 2 Ebi as an appetizer. Scrumptious, sweet little treats! As usual, the California Roll is delicious (with cream cheese added, of course). I was a bit sassy and ordered an Eel Roll for the first time. I had tasted it before, but I hadn't actually ordered a whole one before. That BBQ'd Eel is GOOD.

Michelle hadn't had sushi before, but she was daring and tried the California roll. And she liked it. She even asked where our next Sushi outing would be. My instant response was fave restaurant!

As my friend Kristen said to me this morning...dinner with girlfriends is a guaranteed good time! I agree!!! :)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Brothers & Sisters!

If you haven't watched the premiere episode of Brothers & Sisters and you plan might not want to read this. :)

I'm watching Brothers & Sisters right this very moment. I must comment on the exciting cast: Ally McBeal & a guy she dated on Ally McBeal (he's also on Vanished and used to be on Cold Case)...Doc from Third Watch...Tom Grace, Arvin Sloane & the shrink from Alias...very nice looking older man Tom Skerritt...Sally Field who is just awesome AND will be on er this week (returning as Abby's mom). Yeah. Good cast.

I've missed you, Ally! And I'm glad you are back!! I realize this show is not getting the best reviews, but I like it. I think it has a lot of potential. I'm going to stick with it. :) Uh oh! Tom Skerritt is grabbing his left arm! That's not good!! Um....evidently I can take Tom off the cast list. Oh my...

TV! Fall Season 2006!!

My DVR worked double time last week with the arrival of the Fall TV Season! What a joyous time!

Let's go through the new shows I checked out thus far, shall we?

Vanished - Gale Harold is just hot, OK? HOT. I'm used to seeing him naked on Queer As Folk, but I'm getting used to seeing him in suits and carrying a gun. As I've said before, I'm not in love with this show yet, but it's pretty good.

The Class - I was VERY disappointed in the premiere of this show. I think I only laughed twice. I will be giving it one more chance this week.

Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip - I covered this before as well, but I'm really looking forward to seeing the new episode airing tonight.

Six Degrees - I LOVED this premiere. I hope it continues to be interesting. I really like the cast, and the stories drew me in immediately. I love the concept of everyone being connected!

I still need to watch Brothers & Sisters from last night. And Heroes starts tonight. I'm really looking forward to both of these.

Now, for the shows that returned this season...

New Adventures Of Old Christine - Not everyone finds this as humorous as I. It CRACKS me up. I think it's hysterical. How I Met Your Mother premiered last Monday, too. Good stuff.

Boston Legal - Spader and Shatner are my FAVE couple on TV. They have such a great friendship. The season opener was great. The Shirley doll. LOL!!! And I'm so glad Michael J. Fox is gracing us with his wonderful presence again.

The Unit - What a great show! I caught up on season one this summer, and I really like it. And Scott Foley is just so freakin' cute. purrr!!

Grey's Anatomy - I should probably write an entire entry on just this show! So much to discuss! Most importantly, I TRULY can't stand Meredith. She needs to leave and the show can be called Anybody's Anatomy. Someone Else's Anatomy. I don't care. I just can't stand her. I love George and Callie. He needs to decide how he feels about her. I LOVE that Callie is not a small girl. And she just loves George so much. He's precious. And fave. She's fantastic. She feels so guilty about Denny. Ugh! Christina crying when she was all curled up in bed with Burke. Tore me up!

Survivor - WHY do I keep watching this show? I suppose I simply can't help it!

CSI - As usual...awesome. Great cliffhanger storyline on the first episode.

er - What a great season opener! We were left with so many things hanging in May. Poor Luka (aka Dr. Beautiful). The man already lost two children in Croatia. Why must he suffer with the possible loss of another? WHY?!?!?! And GO SAM!! You go girl! Shoot that bastard! I kept waiting for her to go for it! WOOHOO!

The Office - LOL! Beyond funny. I laughed SO hard. I don't even know what to point out. The entire show had me hysterical. I can't wait to see this episode again. Repeatedly.

Numb3rs - I think there are about 3 of us that watch this, but I really dig it.

I haven't watched My Name Is Earl yet. I'm sure it was great.

I CAN'T wait for October 4 when Lost returns.

OK. There are my thoughts of the TV Season so far.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


A new scrapbooking store opened in Raleigh yesterday...Archiver's. I've been to the one in Minneapolis, but now I have one 30 minutes away. I went this morning with Charlotte, and I MIGHT have bought a few things (OK, more than a few...whatever). Such great stuff. I got beautiful paper, new letters and some great stickers. AND we found out that they have 5 hour crops on Friday and Saturday nights. We are going at the end of the month. FUN!

Then we had lunch at Ted's Montana Grill. Vivi & Micki met us, and I had a bison burger for the first time. It was quite tasty. Evidently it's quite lean compared to hamburger (and even chicken). Lots of laughs with my girls. :)

By the way, I'm ready for the Fall...I'm done with the hot weather.

Friday, September 15, 2006


This week has been absolutely insane at work. We have SO many projects happening at one time and just not enough time to get them done. Of course, we DO get them done somehow, but we are exhausted and such because of it! OY! Everyone is very punchy today due to the exhaustion so there is lots of laughter. It really is the best medicine.

I'm overjoyed that it's Friday. I'm hoping that I don't have to work at all this weekend. I need a break from this crazy place! Next week is going to be hectic, this weekend is much needed!

Had book club last night. We read Unspeakable by Sandra Brown. It was your run of the mill, quick-read mystery/thriller. I liked it. I will definitely read more books by her. I might even take one to Ireland with me (IRELAND!!! I leave in 2 months and 2 days! I'm a WEE bit excited about it!)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

M&Ms...they CAN be evil

So, we have a gumball machine in our office. It is filled with Plain M&Ms. It is usually located in the conference room. There are people using our conference room all week, so the gumball machine has been moved. Right next to my cube.


There is a gumball machine full of Plain M&Ms sitting right next to me. I just glanced over at it. They are so pretty and delicious. I'm going to have to limit myself to, like, 5 M&Ms an hour or something.

Oh Wentworth!! (and other things to be excited about on TV)

Prison Break. I didn't watch it last season, but I watched Season One on DVD. And we are now a few episodes into Season Two. YUM. I have loved Michael since the first moment the show began, but Linc is lookin' pretty good now that he is out of prison. That tank top and button down shirt? Purrr!!

Very few shows have started this Fall TV season, but I'm scared for when they do! My DVR is going to be working in overdrive. I need a second one, but I think that would be kind of like a single girl having six cats. Two DVRs is a TAD bit ridiculous for one girl!!

I'm really looking forward to some of the new shows coming out this season. Brothers & Sisters marks the return of Ally McBeal to primetime tv. The Class looks hilarious to me. What else? Vanished is pretty good thus far. I'm not in love with it yet, but I'm hoping it will keep my interest. OH! I've seen the pilot for Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and I think it's going to be really, really good. Chandler and Josh are really funny together!

And Grey's. SO excited about Season Three of Grey's Anatomy. We were left with several cliffhangers, and I can't wait to see how they resolve them! It's going to be hard without Denny. Sigh. Denny. Poor Izzy! I think it starts in only NINE DAYS! Yippee!!

I could go on and on and on some more about TV. Perhaps I'll save that for some other posts... :)

Welcome to my blog!

I have NO idea what I'm doing, so here we go.

Yesterday was September 11th. Five year anniversary. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. I listened to the news a bit in the morning, but I avoided it for the rest of the day...I just didn't know whether I could handle thinking back to that day TOO much. They have been showing so many specials and interviews and dramatizations. I feel horrible for the families left behind. And the survivors from that day who have to relive it. UGH! I just want to hug them all.